Data-Driven Insights

Insights are not easy to come by. They require datainterpretation and context — all working in harmony. All of high quality. You can have the best data and calculations, but if you can’t put it in context and tell the “story” to your business leaders, then it’s all for naught.

We combine our experience in business intelligence and information management with our background in science to solve the problems you need help with to provide the otherwise elusive insights.

  • Information management → data excellence
  • Scientific method → interpretation excellence
  • Business intelligence → context excellence

Our goal is to solve the problems that have been thorns in your side.
And deliver meaningful, insightful results.

Fact-based Problem Solving

Would you describe your business as data-rich but information-poor? Heavy on questions but light on answers? This is a common theme we hear from clients, despite the investments they’ve made in ERPs, consolidated systems and other information initiatives.

We can help you by providing expert analytical resources to dig into the mountain of data and mine nuggets of insight. We follow a simple methodology:

  1. understand the business drivers and objectives
  2. understand the data, their quality, the relationships
  3. form hypotheses and a “mapping” back to the data
  4. build analyses to validate or debunk the hypotheses
  5. report back to the stakeholders with meaningful visualizations and narratives

For most of problems we use QlikView due to its data integration capabilities, rapid time-to-answer power and unmatched visualization features. However, we will readily work within the your desired toolset: SQL-based, OLAP, etc.

Advanced Analysis

What makes “advanced” analysis advanced? Certainly the term gets thrown around quite a bit. We reserve the term “advanced” for analyses that require more calculation than simple aggregation (sum, min, max, etc). Typically these require more “tooling” than what is needed in a dashboard or report. 
We have experience with predictive analysis and statistical packages, as well as coding and scripting languages such as C++ and Perl.

  • Predictive analysis – regression, clustering, etc.
  • Statistical analysis
  • Simulations